Comfortable In Your Own Skin
Welcome to Comfortable In Your Own Skin, I’m your hostess Andrea Gullick. On this podcast. we dive deep into authenticity (the masks off, show the world who you really are authenticity) and making conscious choices. What if it was safe for you to be you? What if you could truly be comfortable in your own skin? Stay tuned as we unpack and explore the journey towards genuine self-acceptance and living your highest truth. You can also find me on~ Instagram & Facebook (Andrea Gullick) Or reach out here~

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
While you may like the idea of feeling comfortable in your own skin, taking back your power and living a life more true to you, it doesn't mean everyone else will!If you really want to take ownership of your life and open up to all the opportunities and wonderment of what life has to offer you, get comfortable with the pushback. My No 1 advice... don't take it personally!!

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Mindset is super important to help us 'come back' from situations that challenge us. It's also imperative for helping us stretch outside of our comfort zones... but is it ALL there is? Tune into this episode as I dive into what is more important, in my opinion, than mindset.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
What happens when 'shi(f)t happens'? When things happen in life the resolution will depend on your ability to shift. Where are you focused?What do you need to change? Where does your power lie?It lies in SHIFTING your perception and focusing on the most important and powerful thing... YOU.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Have you ever been told that you just need to let it go? Maybe you've been in a situation that isn't working for you and you know you need to let it go, but let go of what exactly? And if you're getting ready to 'let it go' what are you going to grab onto instead? Tune in for my thoughts about learning to surrender and knowing exactly what you are letting go of so you can be comfortable in your own skin.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
What is it about acceptance that holds you back?Just because you accept something doesn't mean you are ok with it nor that it is comfortable.Acceptance offers you a totally different gift. This week I explore acceptance on the path of being the best version of you, you can be.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Have you ever wondered why life is so hard? Maybe you were raised with the belief that anything worth having required hard work? What if that simply isn't true?What if life got to be easy? What if you being you was the easiest thing to do? What might happen if you truly allowed yourself to believe that 'Easy Is Right' and anything else is just not for you?Join me for today's deep dive into why life does get to be easy!!

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
How do we walk our own path and stay true to ourselves? In a nutshell how do you become comfortable in your own skin? How do you walk and talk your truth and seperate mental chatter from soul whisperings?What if you stopped and paused and asked yourself some simple questions? What if peace or pain was the measure stick? This week's episode explores how to begin the conversation with yourself to start the journey to peace.In my quest for being comfortable in my own skin and just share things as they come up, enjoy the overhead plane you can hear!!

Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
How does judgement get in the way of us feeling comfortable in our own skin? Have you ever felt judged? Do you judge? How does your self judgement go? In this episode I tease apart what I think judgement is really doing and ways to break through the weight of it.

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
There comes a time where you simply must choose... do you listen out there for who you are or are you willing to go within?So often we believe we are someone but it is based in the influences of those around us. Positive and negative identities are assumed and roles played out.If I asked you who you were how would you answer me? Are you sure that IS you or is it who you feel you need to be? Are you exhausted trying to keep up with who the world needs you to be? This week I'm teasing this one apart so you can finally give yourself permission to search your soul for your own answers.

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
How often do you find yourself going against what you want because you think it is selfish to ask for what you want? It's another common phenomenon, another, in my opinion, generational belief system that irritates the soul of so many people. The in ability to step towards what is right for you has left many people living in dysfunction and overwhelm and feeling like you have no choice and no personal power.What if there were another way to look at you not choosing you? What if by not choosing you, you were being selfish? I explore why we must become conscious of balancing what we give to others against what we need for ourselves and how important it is for harmonious relationships.

Andrea Gullick
Hi, thanks for dropping by!!
I'm Andrea Gullick a writer, speaker and international mentor who is here to open you up to feeling comfortable in your own skin.
After nursing my son through cancer before becoming widowed at 27, I realised just how much our life experiences can shape who we are.
Yet, what if we are not the things that happen to us?
What if we are MUCH, MUCH more than that?
Have you ever stopped to inquire who you really are?
What you really love?
How you would like your life to feel?
How you can go about creating a life that feels true to you!!
Tune into 'Comfortable In Your Own Skin' and begin to follow your own inner wisdom and guidance.
It's safe to be YOU!!