Comfortable In Your Own Skin
Welcome to Comfortable In Your Own Skin, I’m your hostess Andrea Gullick. On this podcast. we dive deep into authenticity (the masks off, show the world who you really are authenticity) and making conscious choices. What if it was safe for you to be you? What if you could truly be comfortable in your own skin? Stay tuned as we unpack and explore the journey towards genuine self-acceptance and living your highest truth. You can also find me on~ Instagram & Facebook (Andrea Gullick) Or reach out here~

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Have you ever wondered 'What is the purpose of my life?'Do you feel this yearning, this pull to find and fulfil your life's purpose? It may just be simpler than you think!Today's episode dives into what I have come to realise our purpose (at least mine) really is and how important fulfilling this purpose really is.

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Who Are You?It is a question I keep coming back to over and over and over. We are taught from a young age what we should strive for in life, what the 'normal' way of living is. Go to school, get a job or career, find a partner, have children, buy a house!! There area few variations to that and yet for the most part this is what many people do with their life. What happens when you can't do the things you've always done?What if life changes, as it does, then what?One of the most profound things to manage in life is not necessarily what we may lose outside of ourselves, such a s a job or marriage, but how apparent it becomes when we lose ourselves. Jump in to today's episode as I wander into the 'Who Are You' territory.

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
What happens when we strive for perfection, in ourselves, in others, in our lives? Can it actually get in the way of us creating the things we are striving for? What if the messiness we might experience in life can call us to adapt and accept the imperfections that are in fact perfect? Today's episode explores the messiness of perfection and how we can move through the demands we place on things to be a certain way.

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
How connected do you feel to the nudges you are being given within your life?There is so much emphasis placed on mindset and strategy and goal setting that sometimes we forget, or don't even realise that every 'feeling' we have can have an intelligence we can use to direct our choices. Our mind, the safety guardian and powerhouse of creation is not the only tool we have in living a life that is congruent. What happens when we take the time to slow down and feel our way into what we are here to do? Magic happens, mindfulness happens, manifestation happens. Our knowing and the innate intelligence we each posses followed by our intellect and knowledge will create a strong foundation of not only us BEING who we are here to be but also DOING what we have come to do.But first we must trust in the unknown, the unseen, the uncharted waters. Are you game?

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Does asking for help often leave you feeling awkward and uncomfortable?How often do your shoulder the burdens of life alone?Why is that? Why is it so challenging for some people to ask for what they need, while others seem to have no hassle at all?What little murmurings maybe taking place? What lies or misconceptions have you bought into?Let's chat about getting comfortable with asking for what you need and what may help you liberate yourself from the discomfort of asking.

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
The parenting gig is not always an easy one, the path can be speckled with pressures and unexpected events which can cause us to react in ways we may not initially understand. What if we can release ourselves from the pressure of getting it 'right' because we recognise what contributes to the need for having 'good' children?Today's episode I delve into why I needed to ensure that I raised 'good' boys and how this got in the way of just loving them.

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Mental Health is a cage no-one wishes to be placed in. Being locked within thoughts and feelings that seemed inescapable was not the way I ever thought I'd spend some of my days, yet twice I have succumb to feeling like I was losing my mind.
Both experiences were incredibly different and so I'm diving into what I feel led to each encounter and share that while it may feel as though we are 'losing it' what if we were indeed being guided to become more comfortable in our own skin?

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Do you find that adulting can be all a bit serious? Life pressures and struggles, I mean it's a serious business this whole growing up gig.But maybe it doesn't have to be this way, maybe even when life is complex we get to choose how we delight in it.What if the answers we are seeking, the resolution and solution are actually at the end of our joy?Imagine that! Join me as I explore my own uncovering of seriousness.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
How often do you find yourself trying to explain yourself to someone else and getting all twisted up in knots?A wise woman once told me "No Wood On The Fire, Andrea" and it has been some of the most important advice I have ever received. Let's explore what is underneath the need to explain your decisions and why less is more when you know who you are.

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
If you want a different life experience are you creating the space you need to welcome it in?So often people get stuck in what they don't want without realising that this crowds out the space for what they do desire. Today's episode explores the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical space that is required to live a life that feels on point for you.

Andrea Gullick
Hi, thanks for dropping by!!
I'm Andrea Gullick a writer, speaker and international mentor who is here to open you up to feeling comfortable in your own skin.
After nursing my son through cancer before becoming widowed at 27, I realised just how much our life experiences can shape who we are.
Yet, what if we are not the things that happen to us?
What if we are MUCH, MUCH more than that?
Have you ever stopped to inquire who you really are?
What you really love?
How you would like your life to feel?
How you can go about creating a life that feels true to you!!
Tune into 'Comfortable In Your Own Skin' and begin to follow your own inner wisdom and guidance.
It's safe to be YOU!!